This cute pariah bitch whom I fondly named Adree (short for adrenaline.. and I hope you don't ask me why) was a hyper responder. I just had to look at her and she would get all excited and jump up at me to stare into my eyes and grin. Yes, grin! I bet she and I had been kindred souls in one of our past janams. It was I think the period just before the monsoon, maybe about ten years ago. She spent that entire rainy season in our compound. We fed her in the morning and in the evening, and left her a bowlful of water. Each day she left evidence of her greetings (muddy paw marks) on my dresses.
Then one day, she was not there. There was no evidence of an accident (our house is close to a busy thoroughfare), so we knew she was not injured/ killed. Perhaps whatever had been the purpose of our meeting, had been served? But for that brief period in time, how she enriched our lives.
Wherever you are now, Adree, I hope you are as happy as you were back then!