Thursday, July 13, 2006

Death be not proud ...

I spoke to him, just yesterday

This young lad - smiling happily and full of life

The excitement at his move to New York City

His visage so happy and elated

His family nudging him towards a bright career!

I visited his home earlier today

The same young lad - unmoving now and lifeless

The shock at the news of his accident in the city

His body so pale and disfigured

His family bearing him to the cremation grounds!

Blood on my hands

My arsenal for creating mayhem!

Pipes, wires, nails,

money to buy that tell-tale powder,

black bags, remote control devices,

DIY manuals for putting them all together,

and fanatically committed foot soldiers.

Such glee - see I'm about to create history!

I’m watching the telly now!

Ripped open steel bogies,

blood splattered railway tracks,

bodies carried in make-shift sheet stretchers,

limbs, body parts, blood, gore,

faceless bodies, torsoless heads.

Such glee – see what all I've achieved!

I’m reading the newspapers now!

Lists of injured, body counts,

personal accounts of individual tragedies,

desperate searches in hospitals and morgues,

ecstacy at finding a leg-less husband,

agony at identifying a son's torso.

Such glee – see how I'm being GOD now!

I’m answering the telephone now!

Neighbour asks me to rush home, for

my two sons and only grandson,

who'd left for home by train yesterday,

but failed to reach there till late last night -

their corpses have been found in a morgue.

Such glee - see my blood on my hands now!