Monday, August 28, 2006

Writer’s block

My pen makes contact

with the surface of

the first page of the open diary

that I've purchased just today!

And then it halts,

my hand half raised

my brow deeply furrowed

my brain all scrambled ...

Hey, I'd thought up

this intricate, twisting plot,

peopled by inter-meshing characters

and such lovely, graphic imagery.

How could it all just disappear

- almost vanish into thin air -

I bemoan, as once again,

I am hit by the writer's block.


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Really nice... keep it up!

  2. hota hain. hota hain. sometimes in life too. You thik there's so much around you. people, friends and in times of need....

  3. The best thing about writing - even when it is blocked, it is your only friend

  4. Yeah, I can sympathise. Its frustrating Dimag ka Dahi stuff - specially when it happens when 2 characters are in the middle of an intricate and definitive conversation

  5. Sounds so familiar!! :)
    Anyone who's ever tried to put pen to paper will identify with this.

  6. I can understand what you are saying ;)faced it many times ..nicely put .u will survive it ..

  7. This was very nicely put. Liked it!
